El Pueblo Coffee Tour in Monteverde is a Family Business

Where it is operated by its own owners

You as a visitor of the tour will know everything about coffee and sugar cane,

You can live a unique experience, where our tours are personalized

There is a short walk inside the coffee plantation where you fill your mind with knowledge and you can ask everything about the coffee process, from the plantation to its cup of coffee, how the roasting processes are carried out, to the cupping of coffee.

We offer tours every day of the week,

Monday Sunday. The tour lasts approximately 2 hours.

If you need Transportation the Pick Up

it is in the morning 8:30 am Santa Elena area

• The morning tour: 09 – 11

Pick up Afternoon 13:30 in the area of ​​Santa Elena

• The afternoon tour: 2 – 4:00 pm